Azure DevOps: What is it and why you need it


What is Azure DevOps? It’s Microsoft’s integrated cloud development platform that enables businesses to deliver better software faster through streamlined workflows, improved productivity, and higher quality. How does it work? Here are some key components of Azure DevOps that make it so useful!


Why Does My Team Need This?

Microsoft Azure has always been the number one contender for providing a robust cloud platform. However, in the past few years, Azure's features and offerings have expanded from virtualization to data analytics to artificial intelligence. One of the many new offerings on Azure is azure devops tutorial. This web-based service allows developers to deploy applications through an end-to-end DevOps toolchain. With Azure DevOps Tutorials, users can automate build, test, release and monitoring tasks all in one place. Azure DevOps Tutorials comes with its own intuitive interface that makes workflows simple for those who are not familiar with code or scripting languages. Users can create branching strategies and define their deployments accordingly so no mistakes are made when deploying to production environments.

What Platforms Are Supported?

The azure DevOps platform currently supports Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems. In addition to these platforms, azure provides end-to-end toolchains for testing and deploying applications to any cloud infrastructure provider. It integrates with Visual Studio Code and Git so developers can edit code and commit changes on their laptop before pushing them to a repository.


It also leverages Azure Pipelines as the CI/CD service of choice, making it easy for developers to use different environments that include Macs, iOS devices or Android devices. Developers simply set up the environment they want to work in and run the pipeline by clicking a button in zure. With each passing day, development teams are embracing this powerful new way of working because it saves time and money when compared to traditional methods.

How Does This Compare to Other Solutions?

Azure Devops Tutorial 

Developers can use Azure DevOps to streamline their development process by providing a suite of tools which includes git, agile planning, issue tracking, code review and deployment. They also offer a wide variety of add-ons for you to use such as Azure Pipelines for continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), Team Foundation Server for software development lifecycle management (SDLC) or GitHub for collaboration. 

The Azure Devops tutorial walks through the installation process step by step. 

Microsoft provides cloud based services with Azure DevOps that are difficult or impossible to implement in-house.

Deployment Options

What is Azure Devops?

We provide a cloud-based suite of tools that enables developers and DevOps teams to develop, build, test, deploy, monitor, and release applications on any platform. There are three deployment options for Azure Devops: Cloud Shell, Web App for Containers (WAC), or PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) Scripts. You can also use the web portal to create Docker files or integrate with Jenkins or Team Foundation Server (TFS). Azure Devops certification training teaches students how to use these tools as well as best practices. There are no prerequisites required to take the exam. 


The Azure Devops certification prepares individuals who want to be a contributor in an Azure Development team by teaching them how to work in an agile environment using Kanban boards, developing infrastructure within Azure Virtual Machines, building REST APIs and consuming them from mobile apps, configuring Azure services like SQL database, deploying code with Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment(CI/CD) process and releasing production quality software through automated testing.

Key Features & Functionalities

The key features of Azure DevOps are listed below. 

Developers can use the Visual Studio IDE to develop applications in their preferred programming language. They can also use tools for Git version control, code reviews, continuous integration, static analysis and more from the Azure Portal or from within the IDE. When ready to deploy, developers can package their code into a Docker container or publish an app to Azure App Services with just a few clicks. They can then monitor runtime performance with Application Insights or deploy updates through webhooks. For larger scale deployments, developers can set up build pipelines that define a process for automating application builds through different stages of testing before finally deploying them as production-ready applications.

Final Thought

Developers want to be able to produce software that is high quality, but also fast. With Azure, they can do both by optimizing the development process. How? By automating tasks, accelerating feedback loops, and eliminating delays. It's a must-have for any developer! Azure DevOps certification guarantees that you have been trained in using Azure best practices and Microsoft tools, like Azure Pipelines, Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), GitLab Integration with VSTS or GitHub Integration with VSTS. Azure DevOps certifications are divided into three levels, each requiring different skillsets. These include Azure Administrator at Level 1, Azure Developer at Level 2, and Azure Solution Architect at Level 3. Passing an Azure DevOps certification exam will prove your knowledge of how Azure works and demonstrate your experience with Azure processes.