Free Practice Tests for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Exam


If you’re hoping to pass the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 certification exam, now’s the time to start preparing! This test is designed to assess your skills in five areas: Implementing and Configuring Virtual Machines, Deploying and Managing Web Apps, Developing Mobile Apps, Designing Data Solutions and Implementing High Availability and Disaster Recovery Solutions. You should be able to breeze through this exam if you take some free practice tests like the ones listed below!


Why Take a Microsoft Certification Exam?

Microsoft certifications are always a great way to add value to your resume and gain confidence in your skills. Passing a certification exam means that you are a true authority on the subject. If you're preparing for an AZ-900 exam, try using some of these free practice tests to make sure you're ready! The following AZ-900 exam topics will be covered: 


-Microsoft Azure installation 

-Azure deployment models 

-Azure Virtual Machines 

-Azure Cloud Services 

-Azure App Service Web Apps

How does the Microsoft Certification Program work?

The Microsoft Certification Program can help you get a higher salary or advance your career by demonstrating to hiring managers that you have a strong technical skillset. There are nine certification tracks: Cloud Platform, Data Platform, Enterprise Mobility, Exchange Server, Project Management, SharePoint Server, Business Administration (formerly Office Communications), Software Developer: App Builder and Software Developer: Desktop Apps.


The first step is to take a free practice test that relates to what you want to achieve with your certification. For example if you want to be certified in cloud platform then try an az-900 practice exam.

How much does it cost to take an exam?

The Microsoft AZ-900 exam fee is $285.00 USD per exam attempt. At $70.00 USD for 5 practice exams and a pass guarantee, you can try to hone your skills and knowledge by completing these five free practice tests before attempting the real test for an additional charge.


It's important to note that these practice tests are only designed as an adjunct to other study efforts - they're not intended to fully prepare you for this courseware and there's no substitute for reading through materials from an instructor or on your own as you're preparing. 


If you're ever stuck, we'll always be here for you. 24 hours a day, we offer live chat support from Monday to Friday from 9am EST to 6pm EST. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions about our products or services.

When and where can I take a Microsoft Certification exam?

When and where can I take an az-900 practice exam? In order to register and schedule an AZ-900 certification exam, you will need to contact Pearson VUE and set up an appointment with one of their Authorised Testing Centres. All exams are administered on a computer. You must bring your photo ID and wear appropriate clothing (no sleeveless shirts or open toe shoes). 


Our Test Centre Policies page provides more information about this rule. Electronic devices are not allowed in the testing room. Please also review our general test centre guidelines before coming in person to take your exam. To find out when your desired AZ-900 certification exam is offered, please consult the AZ-900 Practice Exam Calendar.

The 5 Things To Know Before you go into an Azure Certification Exam

Reviewing these az 900 exam topics will prepare you for your exam and allow you to feel more confident about the specific material. Here are some of the az 900 exam topics: Security, reliability, scalability, availability, interoperability, compliance. The most popular AZ-900 questions are related to security (28%), reliability (25%), scalability (14%), availability (14%), interoperability (8%) and compliance (6%). 


These areas make up 82% of the AZ-900 test questions which is why they are important to know! If you take a free practice exam on our website, we guarantee that one of these four areas will be covered on your quiz. Why not see if one of our free practice exams would help you? You can see what Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification is all about and get comfortable with the format. 


In addition, by taking a free exam before attending an official Microsoft AZ-900 exam, you'll have an idea of what it's like so that you can better plan accordingly in terms of time and preparation. When it comes to az-900 certification tests, practising as much as possible before the real thing helps tremendously with reducing anxiety levels which could otherwise affect performance during the testing phase.

Taking the AZ-900 Test - What You Need to Know Beforehand

The Microsoft AZ-900 exam is a practice test created by Microsoft. It costs $200 to take, and it is designed to assess your knowledge of business and technical concepts related to Microsoft Azure. You will need a Windows computer with Internet access, and you are allowed up to five hours of allotted time to complete this test. 


The questions on this test are multiple choice, so there is no penalty for guessing incorrectly; however, you can only retake the exam once in six months if you do not pass. To pass this test, you must get at least 700 out of 900 points on a scaled score system. If you are not sure about an answer or want more help with it, there is an answer key that provides detailed explanations for each question at the end of the exam.

5 Tips for Doing Well on this Exam

The AZ-900 practice exam from Certiport is a great way to prepare for your upcoming certification exam. Follow these five tips to do well on this practice exam and you're one step closer to becoming certified in Microsoft Azure.


1) Familiarise yourself with the topics covered on this test by taking a look at what's included in the objectives.


2) Make sure you've done all of your assigned reading, including any accompanying lab exercises or quizzes. 


3) Check out an additional resource that covers this material in more detail, such as an online course or book.


4) Review some sample questions and make flashcards for the ones you struggle with most.


5) Schedule a mock exam date with friends or family so they can help get you in test mode!

Final Thoughts

With so many options on how to prepare, we're here to help you pick which approach is right for you. The Microsoft AZ-900 exam is Microsoft's new AWS exam that tests your knowledge on basics of Microsoft's cloud computing platform. 


They are updating their certification exams each year to reflect the latest industry standards. Whether you are a developer, engineer, or IT operations professional, these free practice tests should help get you ready for your next big step.